On Aug 15, 1945, Japan announced unconditional surrender to the world community, marking the end of World War II.

Two weeks late on September 2, Japanese representatives signed the official Instrument of Surrender, witnessed by 9 major nations winning the anti-Fascist war, including China, the USSR, the US, France, the Northern Island, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and China celebrates September 3 as Victory Over Japan Day each year.

Following are some old photos of the Japanese troops captured by Chinese armies.

Japanese troops captured by Chinese armies in former “Manchukuo”

A Japanese officer resigned to his fate

Japanese troops captured in Huabei

Japanese troops captured in the Changsha Battle in Hunan.

Japanese troops captured in the Songshan Battle.

Chinese civilians sent captured Japanese officers and soldiers to authority.

A Japanese top military officer was executed by a Chinese soldier at Rain Flake Dais (雨花台) in Nanjing, where 300,000 Chinese were massacred by the Japanese army.

The captured Japanese officers and soldiers lined up for roll call each morning at a Chinese military prison.

Japanese imperial army officials and soldiers were brought to a mass meeting in Shangrao (上饶), Jiangxi, where they received Chinese people’s anti-aggression war lectures.

During the meeting, the prisoners also received books and daily necessities that were designed to help these war criminals to learn how to be civilized members of a human community which they were not taught back home in Japan.

A re-education school for Japanese war criminals run by the Chinese army.

Reformed Japanese officers and soldiers renounced their criminal past and were determined to turn a new leaf.

4 thought on “Japanese Soldiers in Chinese Prison”
  1. _(le pacifiste} boris vian
    Le déserteur}
    Monsieur le Président
    je vous fais une lettre
    Que vous lirez peut-être
    Si vous avez le temps
    Je viens de recevoir
    Mes papiers militaires
    Pour partir à la guerre
    Avant mercredi soir

    Monsieur le Président
    je ne veux pas la faire
    je ne suis pas sur terre
    Pour tuer des pauvres gens
    C’est pas pour vous fâcher
    Il faut que je vous dise
    Ma décision est prise
    Je m’en vais déserter

    Depuis que je suis né
    J’ai vu mourir mon père
    J’ai vu partir mes frères
    Et pleurer mes enfants
    Ma mère a tant souffert
    Qu’elle est dedans sa tombe
    Et se moque des bombes
    Et se moque des vers

    Quand j’étais prisonnier
    On m’a volé ma femme
    On m’a volé mon âme
    Et tout mon cher passé
    Demain de bon matin
    Je fermerai ma porte
    Au nez des années mortes
    J’irai sur les chemins

    Je mendierai ma vie
    Sur les routes de France
    De Bretagne en Provence
    Et je dirai aux gens
    Refusez d’obéir
    Refusez de la faire
    N’allez pas à la guerre
    Refusez de partir

    S’il faut donner son sang
    Allez donner le vôtre
    Vous êtes bon apôtre
    Monsieur le Président
    Si vous me poursuivez
    Prévenez vos gendarmes
    Que je n’aurai pas d’armes
    Et qu’ils pourront tirer.

    Submitted by Gulalys on Thu, 29/03/2012 – 19:04

  2. wǒ men wèi shén me bù dōu tíng xià jiǎo bù。jī xīn gé bó shì jiāng jīn tiān de dì yuán zhèng zhì yǔ dì yī cì shì jiè dà zhàn de suǒ mǔ hé zhàn yì jìn xíng le bǐ jiào。tā jǐng gào suǒ yǒu lǐng dǎo rén yǐ jí hé rén , zhǔ rèn hé jú zhǎng , yì fāng miàn , jīn tiān de xiān jìn wǔ qì shì duō me jù yǒu bào zhà xìng hé zì wǒ huǐ miè xìng , yǐ jí bù xiǎng yào de cuò wù rú hé róng yì dǎo zhì rén lèi de chè dǐ miè jué。yě xǔ suǒ yǒu gāo céng lǐng dǎo rén dōu yīng gāi fàng qì zì jǐ de zhí wèi , ràng 14 suì yǐ xià de nián qīng rén jiē rèn。

  3. why dont we all not stop in our steps. dr kissinger compared the geopolitics of today to first world war battle of the somme. he warned all leaders along with who director and un chief how explosive and self destructive todays advanced weaponry is on the one hand and how easily mistakes unwanted may lead to a complete universal wipeout of the human race. maybe all senior leaders should give up their posts and let the youth under 14 take over

    1. Thanks for your comment. But I think it has little to do with their age but the CULTURE they represent and the SYSTEM they rely on.

      As long as this human world is dominated by the jungle culture with those strongest free to dictate the powerless politically, exploit the working people economically and abandon the weakest socially, conflicts and wars will never stop.

      Such a jungle culture had been and is still being promoted and practiced in the name of religious ideologies, from Judeo-Christian, Shintoism to Democracy, with wars against the non-believers.

      The peace and the prosperity that could be enjoyed by majority of people in the world won’t grace the earth until the jungle world lose the power to dictate the planet.

You are welcome to share your thoughts here